Fresh Beauty Picks: Lip Love and Skincare Wins

* AD - products mentioned in this post were gifted to me for a review by

As much as I love sticking to my go-to brands, I can’t resist the thrill of exploring new beauty horizons. This time, my curiosity led me to a skincare brand from Boston called Fresh. Although I’ve known about this brand for years, I never even snagged a sample, so I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into. All I knew was that they sell high-end products wrapped in gorgeous packaging. Honestly, I don’t think they’re big on marketing since I haven’t seen TikTok influencers raving about them—so, I was diving in with zero opinions and zero expectations.

Sugar Lip Treatment

When I decided to give Fresh a whirl, I knew I had to try a tinted balm from their Sugar Lip Treatment collection. I vividly remember drooling over all the colors in New York last year, trying to be a responsible adult and not blow my entire budget on every single shade. This time, I managed to stay grounded and picked just one—Petal. I think it’s a perfect match for my complexion, a lovely pink with a subtle hint of purple.

This tinted balm strikes the perfect balance between a lipstick and a balm. It’s hydrating but not greasy, so you don’t have to worry about the pigment migrating all over your face. The color tints my lips beautifully while keeping them looking natural. Overall, I am on board. Now, if you’re after deep lip hydration and nourishment, this isn’t your holy grail (spoiler alert: no tinted balm is), but if you’re looking for everyday lip maintenance with a pop of color, this could be your jackpot.

Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask

I’m going to be honest—I’m not the most consistent when it comes to facial masks, especially the kind that comes in a tube or tub. But since I got pregnant and my skin started acting up (thank you, hormones!), I’ve been much better at sticking to my face mask routine. Seriously, some days my skin thinks I’m back in high school with breakouts, and the next day I’m dealing with dry patches galore. It’s a wild ride, and my “eat or be eaten” diet isn’t helping. But the Black Tea Mask? It’s been a game-changer for my sanity, if nothing else. My skin feels calmer, firmer, and in between the exhaustion, stress, and constant nausea, those few minutes with the mask give me a much-needed moment of zen.

The mask comes in a 30ml tub, and the formula is super light and gel-like, even though it looks matte. You can either apply it for 15 minutes and rinse it off, or leave the mask on overnight—both methods work wonders. As I mentioned, my skin feels firmer and softer every time I use it. Plus, it gives my face a little healthy glow, which is a lifesaver after one of those morning-turns-into-all-day sickness sessions. Oh, and did I mention it smells divine? Because it totally does!

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