Do you also have these moments when someone who you kind of look up to tells you something and this wisdom stays with you forever? Well, I had one of these moments when my high school biology teacher (who is also a dentist) told us that the best toothbrushes are the simple ones such as Curaprex. And I have been using Curaprox toothbrushes ever since. 

I really want to dedicate this blog post to a dental care because it is important to take a good care of your mouth. It will save you loads of money because let's be honest here, dentist appointments are rather pricey and I personally would do honestly anything to avoid seeing my dentist (childhood trauma lol). 

Choose the right toothbrush: Manual or powered 

People tend to think that powered toothbrushes are the better option there because... well it is faster. The truth, however, is, that there are many studies that did not show any significant advantage of using powered toothbrush over the manual one apart from being more effective in cleaning a plague but the clinical importance of this finding is unclear. On the other hand, using an electric toothbrush seems to reduce a gum bleeding over the time. I think the gums will just get used to it. 

I personally use both because both of them are effective and the electric one just helps me with my gums that stopped bleeding after the first few weeks of using the electric toothbrush. My favourite toothbrushes are the soft and ultra-soft brushes from Curaprox. They clean my teeth very well and are gentle to my gums and once again, it has been approved by my high school biology teacher who is also a dentist. The Curaprox brushes are available from Notino

How often should we brush our teeth? 

This is a good question. We all seen the commercials trying to tell us we should brush our teeth after every meal but the literature actually says that brushing the teeth only once a day is enough to maintain your oral health. It is, however, recommended, that we brush our teeth twice each day because basically we do not wash our teeth properly and therefore we need to do it twice (lol). 

How long should I brush my teeth? 

There is something I found out. Back home, we all are being told that we should brush our teeth for 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes in the evening. In the UK, apparently, it is only two minutes! So where is the truth then? Well, actually, it is recommended to brush your teeth for 30 seconds to three minutes so it is probably just up to you. I will stick to my three minutes because that's what my mum told me to do haha. 

The softness of the toothbrush 

It is commonly believed that hard toothbrushes are better at the cleaning but once again this is a myth and many dentists agree that they can actually damage the tooth (enamel) in the long-term run although they are better at removing the plaque (although there are studies that disagree with each other on this one). 
The softer brushes are apparently better because they can "hug" the tooth and adjust to its shape. 

I personally use soft brushes because anything hard or medium makes my gums bleed once again. 

What toothpaste is the best

As long as the toothpaste contains the right amount of fluoride (1350 ppm), I do not think it matters as much. I would avoid all the kinds of toothpaste that contain baking soda because it will whiten your teeth by "bleaching" your teeth which is not really good but other than that, just go for a toothpaste that tastes good to you. 

My current favourite one is this Ice Mint from Marvis. This brand comes from the USA and it is really REALLY tasty. Available on Notino in many flavours.

How about the mouthwash

I have to admit while researching for this post, I found out I was using the mouthwash wrong. It is apparently not recommended to use a mouthwash after brushing your teeth because it will wash away the fluoride that is left on your teeth from the toothpaste. An ideal solution is to find another time to use the mouthwash such as after the lunch. The same also applies for washing your mouth with the water after you spit out the toothpaste (again, I've been living in a lie my entire life).

I like the Listerine mouthwashes the most and I am just using this blue one Stay White at the moment. It contains fluoride and considering the taste, it will burn everything that is in your mouth haha. Listerine mouthwashes are available at Notino

What is your favourite toothbrush? How long do you brush your teeth? 

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  1. Gorgeous article, I hate dentists so it's really helpful to me :D

  2. Very good points you wrote here..Great stuff...I think you've made some truly interesting points.Keep up the good work. dental implants Northampton
