Halloween || Frostbite Elsa by Glam and Gore

Ahoj všichni!

Dnešní článek nebude až tam povídací, protože ono vlastně není až tak co povídat, protože Halloween u mně byl takový, jako všude jinde. Nicméně vám chci všem ukázat můj Halloweenský převlek a hlavně představit video, podle kterého to celé vzniklo. 

Hello everyone! 

I will not be too chattay today as there is not much to say about how I've spent the Halloween(ok, friday before Halloween in my case). I did exactly the same the most people would do. I dressed up, I went out and I got drunk. End of the story. However I feel like I should share my costume with you all(because I am pretty proud of myself - oh wow Veronika, you followed the tutorial wow, well done) and also I would love to introduce you the amazing make-up artist who's tutorial I was watching to make my halloween make-up to happen.

(Let it go...) 

Kde sehnat kostým? 

Šaty || Elsa Dress: Amazon
Paruka || Wig: Amazon
Korunka || Crown: Poundland

Co se týká make-upu, ve videu se dozvíte, co použít. Většinu z toho budete mít doma a věci jako tekutý latex seženete na ebay nebo na amazonu. 

When it comes to make-up, you will find you what to use in the video. I suppose you have most of it in you cosmetic bag and those things you do not such as liquid latex can be bought from Amazon or ebay. 

A co vy a Halloween? || What about you and Halloween? Did you dress up?